Day 6, Kington to Knighton

Day 6, Kington to Knighton

This stage of Offa’s Dyke offers some really fantastic views and, in my mind at least, also represents a subtle shift in the nature of the path as the landscape loses some of the softness of the Wye Valley and feels altogether more rugged. Partly perhaps that was down...
Day 1, Chepstow to Bigsweir Bridge

Day 1, Chepstow to Bigsweir Bridge

The backdrop to the start of your Offa’s Dyke journey is extremely impressive, a large stone and plaque set at the top of a steep bank provides a great photo opportunity, as indeed does the view. Behind you lies the River Severn, here at its widest point as it opens...
Day 2, Bigsweir Bridge to Monmouth

Day 2, Bigsweir Bridge to Monmouth

In terms of distance and time, this is a shorter section than many others and if your accommodation or scheduling requires, you can easily extend it beyond Monmouth, as I did the first time I walked Offa’s Dyke, opting to finish at Hendre. However, I love Monmouth and...